Talks and Ideas
Our Voices from the Heart

In Conversation with Professor Megan Davis and Pat Anderson AO

Mon 25 Sep 2023 6:00 pm
Theatre Royal

Over 2016 and 2017 First Nations people participated in a process for constitutional recognition, the first of its kind in Australian history. These meetings became known as the Regional Dialogues.

Between December 2016 and May 2017, the Referendum Council held 12 multi-day meetings. The purpose was to ascertain a robust sentiment of what form recognition might take and to reach an agreement on how to formally “recognise” First Nations people in the constitution. The Dialogues also provided an opportunity to discuss, understand and prioritise options for recognition on a regional basis and to ensure that Aboriginal decision-making was at the heart of the reform process.

This culminated in the National Constitutional Convention at Uluru in May 2017, which empowered First Peoples from across the country to form a consensus position on the form constitutional recognition should take. The process led to the advocacy for recognition through a Voice. This was expressed to the nation through a one-page invitation to the Australian people known as the Uluru Statement from the Heart.

The idea for better participation in the democratic life of the state, especially the Federal Parliament, is not a new one.

Hear Pat Anderson and Megan Davis, moderated by Uluru Statement signatory Kirstie Parker, speak about the dialogue process and the proposal for a constitutionally enshrined Voice to Parliament.

Book Signing and sales post show in the foyer from 7.30pm.


All Tickets | $30


*all bookings will incur a $5 transaction fee


90 minutes (no interval)

Doors open 5.30pm, In Conversation from 6pm to 7.30pm Book signing/selling from 7.30pm to 8.15pm

Patrons' Advice

Suitable for all ages

For wheelchair and accessible seating enquiries, please contact our box office on (03) 6146 3300 or boxoffice@theatreroyal.com.au