Local artists take centre stage as the Theatre Royal launches its 2023 School Holiday Staycation program

The Theatre Royal is excited to launch its 2023 school holiday Staycation program, with shows, exhibitions and workshops kicking off during the April school holidays.

The Staycation program sees three Tasmanian arts companies presenting performances and delivering participatory workshops at the Theatre Royal across the school holiday periods in April, July and October 2023.

The Carbon Neutral Adventures of the Indefatigable Enviroteens, presented by local theatre company Archipelago Productions and based on the graphic novel by Walkley Award-winning cartoonist First Dog on the Moon, is the first production to be featured in the program.

Enviroteens will delight children and families with its uplifting combination of humour, science and battle jokes, all brought to life by colourful and captivating handmade puppetry by local artist Anja Reinalda.

This hilarious and environmentally friendly adventure sparks timely conversations between kids and adults about climate change and how we can all make a difference.

“A third of our program this year is work for children and families,” Theatre Royal CEO Simon Wellington said.

“I think it’s critical that young people have an opportunity to experience creativity and culture and this year the Theatre Royal is investing in a range of new ways to engage and participate.

“Our Staycation program is a new initiative that presents great productions in the school holidays while also offering fun and engaging creative workshops,” he said.

Alongside the Enviroteens show in the Studio Theatre, a range of participatory creative workshops will be held for young people aged between 8 – 14 years. 

The Future of Toys is a two-day workshop where children can bring old toys back to life and learn about emerging sustainable technologies under the guidance of local artists Benjamin Paul, Sarah Hall, Caitlin Fargher and Selena De Carvalho. Held on Fri 14 – Sat 15 Apr, The Hedberg.

In partnership with the Moonah Arts Centre, the Enviroteens Re-Animated workshop, facilitated by local artists Bella Young and Emma Skalicky, will see participants imagining how they can save the world from destructive waste by creating a carbon-neutral superhero out of recycled materials. Held on Tue 18 Apr, Moonah Arts Centre.

The creations from both workshops will be displayed in the Theatre Royal foyers as part of a public exhibition for audiences to enjoy throughout the show’s season. 

Author of The Carbon Neutral Adventures of the Indefatigable Enviroteens, First Dog on the Moon, will host a cartoon drawing workshop. Participants will learn about the cartooning process and have a great time drawing their own superheroes and supervillains. Held on Sat 22 Apr, The Hedberg.

First Dog on the Moon will also be signing copies of his book at the Theatre Royal after the 2pm performance on Saturday 22 April. Merchandise will also be available to purchase.

The Theatre Royal 2023 Staycation program also features contemporary circus company ROOKE’s Interloper in July and Terrapin Puppet Theatre’s The Paper Escaper in October.

The Carbon-Neutral Adventures of the Indefatigable Enviroteens is directed by Ben Winspear and stars Milla Chaffer, Noah Casey, Caitlin Berwick, Bhavika Sharma and Griffin McLaughlin. The show opens on Wed 19 Apr and runs until Sat 29 Apr 2023.

The Theatre Royal’s 2023 Staycation Program is supported by the City of Hobart and Hit 100.9fm.

More information:  Staycation - 2023 School Holiday Program | Theatre Royal